Niklaus Kohler


Dipl. Arch. EPFL-SIA,

Prof. i.R. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology [KIT]


mail :,


home  : 2, Ave. de lՅglise Anglaise, CH 1006 Lausanne

phone :  +41  (0)  21 617 33 11

               +41  (0) 76 202 46 82 (mobile)



Curriculum vitae:



Born in Zurich, Switzerland.

1962 to 1969

Studied Architecture in the USA and Switzerland.


Diploma at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) Lausanne.


Work in the Architecture Office GAKO, Gothenborg, Sweden

1970 to 1971

Assistant at EPFL (Architecture and Mathematics Department)

1972 to 1978

Responsible R&D in the building system and facade industry.


Lecturer at EPFL and Invited Professor at Ecole Speciale d'Architecture, Paris.

1978 to 1992

Research assistant in the Material Science Department  at EPFL (performance of composite materials)


Research team leader in the Physics Department (solar energy and environmental simulation) at EPFL.


Ph.D. on : Global Energy Consumption of Buildings during their Life Cycle.

1978 to 1992

Member of the steering committee of three Swiss technology transfer programs (Impulsprogramme) in the field of energy and building.

1992 to 2007

Professor at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany.


Director of the Institute of Industrial Building Production (ifib)

Since 2007

Teaching and research activities at the


Institut fr Denkmalpflege und Bauforschung of ETH Zrich (Prof. Dr. Uta Hassler) (2009-2014) (Lecturer)

Guest Professor at Tianjin University, China (since 2011)


Seminars and conferences at  ETH Lausanne,

University of Texas at Austin, USA and others




Main research domains:


Life cycle analysis of buildings and building stocks.

Application of Information Technology in comprehensive, distributed design.


Recent engagements:


·      2007 Schilling Medal for the outstanding contribution to architecture theory

·      2011-2018 Associate editor of Building Research and Information

·      Since 2019 Associate editor of Buildings and Cities

·      2016-2019 President of the Scientific committee of the CSTB

·      Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, France

·      Member of the Sustainability Round Table of the German Ministry of Construction (BMVBS)

·      Chairman of the steering group of the competition Energy efficient Cities of the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

·      Member of the steering committee of the ANR research program bâtiments et villes durables, Paris

·      Member of the advisory board of the Chair Eco-Conception (ParisTech, Ecole des Mines et Ecole des Ponts)

·      Member of the advisory board of the Doctoral Training Centre Energy Demand Reduction (UCL-University College London and  Loughborough University)

·      Member of the advisory board of the Laboratory for anthropogenic Resources, TU WIEN, Vienna

·      President of the Board of Directors of sterilAir AG, CH- 8570 Weinfelden

·      Consultant to Low Carbon Solutions (LCS) Shanghai, China




